Friday, November 27, 2015

Roda de Noticias Terremoto

In Portuguese class, every unit we have to get a news and do a PowerPoint about it. This is the second time I do a Roda de Noticias

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


In drama our first unit was about improvisation, at the end we did a reflection on a paper. Sorry for the bad image quality

Sunday, November 22, 2015


In my tutor group we had to establish targets, for long and short term. My first target was to  anticipate my homework because of my schedule, so far I think I've got it because I gave in all of my homework. My second target was to be better than the average because I have a goal in life to be an architect, in this goal I think that I am also alright. That is shown in my grades. My third and final goal is to be part of the water polo and basketball teams five times. That target was accomplished very well, I was part of tree games for polo and four games for basketball.


This blog is for design and ICT (information, communication and technology). My teacher, Mr. Wilson did a staff meeting about blogs and due to the skills of design in my class he chose me and some friends to assist in the meeting. If you want to start a blog and have any questions please comment below so I can help.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mi casa

In Spanish class I did a video about my house. I had to speak it all in Spanish, in was quite hard.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Art journal

This is my Art journal in here I will put all my art works and notes

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Book Review Jedi Academy Series

Image result for four stars

The Jedi Academy series by Jeffery Brown is a great series, the writer is himself a star wars fan. I think that was an essential factor for the books to be a success. The books are more of graphic novels but they have written parts. These books are filled with jokes and funny content, I highly recommend this book for all star wars fans. I give this book four stars

Image result for jedi academy books

Drainage basin research

Rivers Report
João Guilherme B.H.
A drainage basin is an area drained by a main river and its smaller tributaries. The drainage basins are separated by natural boundaries called watersheds.
The main components of a river are the source, tributaries, confluence, main river and mouth.  Usually the land around the river has vegetation even in very different biomes. Studying the Amazon drainage basin some examples are:
The water of the river Amazon comes from the snow of the Andes Mountains in Peru. The source of the river amazon has not yet been found for certain but scientists think it is the river Vilcanota in Peru that flows into Brazil as rio Solimões and turns into the Amazon in its confluence with rio Negro. The Amazon drainage basin has many tributaries such as the rio Tapajós, rio Madeira, etc. The Amazon drainage basin is known for being the biggest on earth with about 7 million square kilometers and occupies 40% of the Brazilian geographical area. Around the Amazon River runs the Amazon rainforest.
Upper course of the river:
V shaped valleys are formed by erosion. This land for is formed when erosion happens for millions and millions of years forming a great valley with a river in the middle.
Waterfalls are formed when the softer rock that is under the hard rock is eroded forming a space under the hard rock that is called a plunge pool. When this happens, the water falls in a steep way.
Gorges can be formed in two different ways by waterfall retraction that is when the soft rock is eroded and the and the hard one falls and after many times that it happens there will be two rock walls after a waterfall. Another way is when a tectonic plate goes up and the other goes down. Then there extreme erosion happens and the plate that went up is now divided by the river.

In the Amazon the upper course is in the Andes mountains. The river goes through many gorges and waterfalls. The river systems and floodplains in Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela are called the upper Amazon.
Middle Course:
Meanders are formed when the outer side of a curve in the river has erosion and the inner part has deposition. Then a big curve will form.
Oxbow lakes are formed when a meander has deposition on the start of it and the river tries to find a new way past it so it erodes a straight line and a lake stays beside the river in the form of a bow.
In the middle course of the Amazon the water flows at a speed of two kilometers per hour.
In the basin flooding occurs between June and October.
Lower Course:
Flood plains are formed when there is a large river and a lot of deposition takes place so there is only a small stream but when there is too much water all the area that was once the river floods.
Deltas are formed very close to the mouth of the river. Deltas are formed when the water needs more space to flow into the ocean so it erodes many little streams that flow to the mouth. Here deposition also takes place, between the streams sediments are deposited in islands
The floodplains in the Amazon are made of many features such as shallow lakes, swamps and mangrove forests. The river mouth extends for 320 kilometers and it pours out 214 million liters of water per second in the Atlantic Ocean. The river Amazon does not have a delta because of its bore.
The coastline by the mouth is being eroded and muddy sediments are deposited.

World Atlas. 8th ed. DK. Print.
"Sua Pesquisa - Portal De Pesquisas Temáticas." Bacia Amazônica. Web. 14 Sept. 2015. 
"Amazon River | Facts, History, Animals, & Map." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 14 Sept. 2015
"Amazon River." - New World Encyclopedia. Web. 15 Sept. 2015.
"Amazon Basin Facts." - National Zoo| FONZ. Web. 15 Sept. 2015.

My group also did a 3D model of a drainage basin

Invented diary

In this project I had to invent a diary of a sailor in a travel during the 1500s

Diário de Bordo
Viagem Calcutá – Lisboa
Outubro 1527 

8 de outubro de 1527
Hoje estamos iniciando a nossa viagem de volta para Lisboa, compramos muitas especiarias e o capitão espera ganhar muito dinheiro vendendo para os burgueses. Nosso leme já foi consertado, quando estávamos vindo para a Índia bateram na nossa popa e isso quebrou o nosso leme dificultando a nossa chegada. Partimos em direção a Melinde na costa oeste da África.

11 de janeiro de 1528
Tornamos o cabo da boa esperança, há alguns dias paramos em Aguada de S. Braz para pegar mantimentos e deixar um homem que teve escorbuto por falta de vitamina C. Por causa da falta de alimentos na nossa embarcação, temos apenas carne, cebola, azeite, vinagre, biscoitos secos, com consumo restrito.

23 de janeiro de 1528
O capitão Manuel foi forçado a fazer uma parada de emergência hoje. Onze homens da nossa caravela pegaram Leptospirose e foram retirados. Esta doença é muito comum nas embarcações por causa das condições de higiene precárias. Agora temos apenas 54 homens a bordo.

2 de fevereiro de 1528
Hoje eu, que estava limpado o convés, e alguns homens que estavam hasteando a vela, sentimos fortes pancadas na parte de fora da proa. Eu deixei meu escovão de lado (pois sou apenas um moço de convés) e fui ver o que acontecera. Chegando lá me encontro com um homem encharcado e desesperando, ele me disse que seu navio tinha sido atacado por piratas africanos. Levei-o imediatamente para o capitão Manuel.

10 de abril de 1528
Por conta das muitas perdas de marinheiros o capitão parou ontem em uma vila na costa leste da África que foi colonizada por portugueses. Mais de vinte homens embarcaram no nosso navio. Felizmente o senhor capitão me promoveu a contramestre.

28 de abril de 1528
Um dos homens novos no navio comentou comigo que pouco antes da nossa chegada a vila um navio grande com muitos canhões saiu de lá. E que hoje de manhã seus amigos lhe mostraram o mesmo navio que os aterrorizou. Eles acham que são os piratas.

18 de junho de 1528
O capitão fez algo muito estranho hoje, quase bateu em uma Nau que vinha da Espanha e saiu da nossa rota. Mais chegamos ilesos a nossa última parada antes de chegar em casa. Acho que alguns homens querem fazer um motim contra o capitão Manuel.

27 de junho de 1528
Os homens se viraram contra Manuel que agora não é mais capitão. Os poucos que ficaram com ele foram presos pelos seus companheiros no porão. Manuel agora está preso em seu dormitório. Infelizmente não fui nomeado capitão, mas meu grande amigo Joaquim (novo capitão) me pois de capitão de cabotagem.

2 de julho de 1528
Estamos muito perto de Portugal só mais alguns dias e estaremos em terra firme. Mas Manuel foi à loucura e jogou todos os instrumentos no mar. Astrolábio, balhestilha, quadrante, foi tudo por água a baixo. A única coisa que nos restou foi a minha velha bússola.
8 de julho de 1528
Finalmente depois de vinte meses chegamos em casa de novo. Muitos homens nos deixaram durante a viagem e serão reconhecidos pela comunidade. Joaquim voltou para a pequena vila na costa para levar de volta os bravos homens que embarcaram nesta viagem. Nós vendemos as especiarias e conseguimos dinheiro para sustentar nossas famílias por algum tempo.

Famous scientist Jane Goodall

Dame Jane Morris Goodall
dead or alive
for discovering similarities between humans and chimpanzees

                                                      May be found in gombe, location she worked, or england, where she was born

Jane had many discoveries in Gombe, but the most amazing one was that the Chimps can craft tools, simple, but tools! She also discovered that Chimps ate some meat and would fight, but they would show more love and affection instead of hate. Jane’s discoveries were and are applied in other discoveries and hypotheses of other scientists and biologists, her discoveries helped them prove their discoveries as well. After Jane's discovery the world started to know how and where we (humans) came from. Her discovery also led to other more amazing discoveries about our origins. Jane also has a institute called “The Jane Goodall Institute” she uses it to show her research to the world and to protect endangered chimpanzees.

Reward: $1,000

Graphs in exel

In science we worked with graphs and charts, here is some practice I did in the computer.