Thursday, October 29, 2015

Famous scientist Jane Goodall

Dame Jane Morris Goodall
dead or alive
for discovering similarities between humans and chimpanzees

                                                      May be found in gombe, location she worked, or england, where she was born

Jane had many discoveries in Gombe, but the most amazing one was that the Chimps can craft tools, simple, but tools! She also discovered that Chimps ate some meat and would fight, but they would show more love and affection instead of hate. Jane’s discoveries were and are applied in other discoveries and hypotheses of other scientists and biologists, her discoveries helped them prove their discoveries as well. After Jane's discovery the world started to know how and where we (humans) came from. Her discovery also led to other more amazing discoveries about our origins. Jane also has a institute called “The Jane Goodall Institute” she uses it to show her research to the world and to protect endangered chimpanzees.

Reward: $1,000

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