Thursday, October 1, 2015

Biography for English

Mr. Benzie Outside of The Class

By: João Guilherme B. Henriques

A Different Mr. Benzie
He’s a different person outside of the classroom. These are just some wonderful facts about an amazing person. A never seen before Mr. Benzie. Very different but the same.

First Encounters with Mr. B
It was the third of August 2013, my first day in year four omega. I walked inside the classroom and saw a lean, medium sized man. He had green eyes and was about 42 years old. He looked at me and asked my name, but class had already started and we had an amazing year together.

Childhood in Luton
Mr. Benzie at that time David was born on the 25th of November 1971 in Luton, England. He was a boy like all (or most) others, went to school and was part of a boys’ brigade, the English scouts. However he was a bit different, he had a sister and played the electronic organ. It is a different kind of piano but with many keyboards. I don’t know why but he went to three different schools when he was child.  When he was a teenager he went to Lee Manor.

He was about two years old, he was at his house and in his parents room. He saw something shiny, it was his dad’s razor! He was going to get it when …
His mom came in and stopped him.

An Arsenal Story
When Mr. Benzie was six he got his first football kit, but it wasn’t any football kit, it was a Arsenal1976 away kit. His uncle Ed gave it to him. There a beautiful story between boy and team was born.

On the register in Manchester
It was 1992 and a letter got to the Benzie’s house, it said that he’s been accepted in the Manchester university! Four years later he graduated! Then he had to find a job. Where?

First Job Opportunities
Some years later Mr. Benzie got a job! He started teaching disabled children and adults. He even got published in a book, it’s called “Doing disability research”.

Konnichiwa, Japan
Around 2002 a new opportunity apperaed in Mr. Benzie’s life.  To be an English teacher in Japan. He accepted it right away and goes to Japan! Hello Japan, Konnichiwa!

Back To England
After three years in Japan Mr. Benzie thought “Humm… I want to be a primary teacher!” So he went back to England he went to a course for primary school teaching.

A Twist To Brazil
Suddenly in the middle of 2011 Mr. Benzie had a twist in his life, he came to a beautiful little country called Brazil. More specifically to a polluted little city called Sao Paulo.

A Mrs. Benzie
Here in Brazil he met many new people, made new friends and work-friends. He also met a woman called Sinthia from Porto Alegre.  This is a city in the southern state of Rio Grande Do Sul. Now Mr. Benzie and Sinthia live together for more than three years. In Brazil it is considered an unofficial marriage.

St. Francis
While he was here in Brazil Mr. Benzie had to find a job, then in the beginning of 2012 an opportunity at an international IB school appeared! He accepted it and is in St. Francis until today.

My Opinion

Mr. Benzie was my class teacher and influenced very much in me, he had a special way of teaching that I like, he would have interactive lessons that were easier to learn and memorize for tests. He even impacted the team I cheer for, Arsenal. He is a very dedicated teacher, has a lot of sense of humour and is extremely friendly. The many twists in his life gave him experiences to share and advices to give.

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