Thursday, September 24, 2015

Reflection on Pepper

Reflection on Pepper for Brazilian History and Geography

Reflexão Pimenta do Reino

João Guilherme H.


Pimenta No Século XV:

A pimenta do reino foi uma especiaria muito importante no século 15 por dois motivos principais. O primeiro é que a pimenta do reino tem uma qualidade boa, ela consegue te fazer ter a sensação de que você está satisfeito mesmo comendo pouco. Neste período era difícil ter os suprimentos necessários para uma refeição de boa qualidade.

A segunda utilidade da pimenta neste século é que a pimenta por ter um sabor forte disfarça o sabor e as vezes cheiro de outros alimentos. Está qualidade foi importante porque naquela época a refrigeração não era boa então normalmente carnes bovinas, aves e peixes apodreciam com rapidez. E é ai que entra a pimenta. Ela consegue disfarçar o sabor de podre dos alimentos que começavam a decompor-se, que agora podem ser comidos notando pouco sabor do apodrecimento. Esta qualidade foi muito usada em viagens longas em que a comida tinha que durar mais.

Pimenta do Reino nos dias atuais:

A pimenta do reino agora está inserida em diferentes culturas e civilizações. A pimenta do reino nestas civilizações é principalmente usada na culinária. Agora a maioria dos restaurantes em diferentes países do mundo tem pimenta do reino disponível para seus clientes. A pimenta também é usada em algumas culturas em remédios e medicamentos. Ela é analgésica, anti inflamatória, antiseptica, diurética. Alivia os sintomas da sinusite, inibe a formação de gases e melhora a digestão. A pimenta também age contra congestão nasal.

O plantio e produção de pimenta do reino anual é de 367.500 Mt gerando empregos no Brasil, Siri Lanka, Indonésia, Índia e Vietnã. Hoje a pimenta é tão consumida que já passa por um processo de industrialização e é vendida na maioria dos supermercados. Ela é vendida desde feiras até hipermercados.


Desde seu descobrimento a pimenta faz parte das civilizações e influenciou o seu desenvolvimento. A pimenta do reino faz tanto parte do nosso cotidiano que as pessoas esquecem da importância dela no passado.


"Poder De Cura Da Pimenta Do Reino." Bolsa De Mulher. 4 Nov. 2011. Web. 15 Sept. 2015.

Desai, Dhruv. "Pepper Crop Report 2014." Web. 16 Sept. 2015. Pagina 7

Process Journal

This is a process journal of the video biography I did

English Process Journal
João Guilherme H

Tues. 8 Sept
In the first stage Mrs. Moananu showed us videos bios and we started discussing who we were going to do. We decided to do Mr Benzie.

Wed. 9 sept
In this class we did a plan and interviewed Ms. Spalla and it went perfectly well, we had a great interview and got lots of information. The whole group worked well in the filmings.

Thurs. 10 sept
We had a great day today we had a interview with our subject, Mr. Benzie. We got great footage for our doco. We had a little problem because it started to rain in the middle but we went inside and finished.

Frid. 11 sept
Today we put together all our footage in Lucas's computer but we took a long to decide that it would be in Lucas's computer so we only did this.

Mon 14 sept
Today we already had all the footage in the computer so we started to edit the film. Now we only need to edit the rest and we will finish.

Tues. 15 sept
Now we are on the final stage of our Biography. We did the final voice overs and finished the editing. Arthur and I were doing our production journals and giving ideas while Lucas and Mikel edited the biography.

Wed. 16 sept

We finished!!!!! We did the last edits today. There was enough time for us to even put some bloopers in the end. Our biography is very cool, I think my group did a great job and we accomplished what we planned to do.

Music reflection

Music reflection
João Guilherme B. H.

In this first week it was important to remember what we did in the holidays that had to do with music. It was important to do that because then Mr. Neves can know what we like more in music and if music is a part of our life or just something else. We also did a intro to musicals. It was important because then we can know what the unit is about. An other thing we talked about was the mood in the music. It was important to learn this because in musicals the mood is an important element.

In week two we talked about the musical elements and what do too musicals. This was an important conversation because the different types musical elements change a musical from a opera. Musicals vs. opera was the next topic that we discussed and it was important because we the know the difference between those two.

Here in week three we talked about the sources of musical and I think it i important because then we can know where it came from and the beginnings. We also talked about the developments make and they are important because then we know how and what changed from the beginning to now.
We come now to week 4 and talk about the 70’s orchestra and rock, this was important because many musicals in this era had these two styles of music. A very new rock style and a antique and beautiful orchestra music and they were getting more and more together in musicals


In the very last week we talked about and were assigned this reflection. It is important because we reflect on what we learned and there is were it shows if we learned or not, by remembering.

Biography for portuguese

My biography for Portuguese about my grandfather.

Antonio Alirio Henriques

Por: João Guilherme B. Henriques

Antonio Alirio Henriques nasceu dia cinco de Janeiro de 1940, em Taquaritinga SP no bairro de Vila Rosa. Filho de Alipio Henriques e Aparecida Vagner. Seu pai era trabalhador da estrada de ferro Araraquarense e logo se mudou para Carlos Magalhães, um distrito de Taquaritinga.
Lá Antonio morou até os nove anos e frequentou a escola rural de Carlos Magalhães. Alipio foi promovido  no trabalho e retornou a Taquaritinga, onde Antonio frequentou a escola primaria.
Terminado o primário começou a trabalhar no comercio (loja) e a noite estuadava na escola Técnica De Comercio da referida cidade.

Depois do Termino da escola, Antonio começou a trabalhar em bancos. Veio trabalhar no banco do Estado de São Paulo. Através de um concurso, ficando aqui por um Ano. Em seguida foi transferido para Cantanduva no mesmo banco. Enquanto isso cursou Administração de Empresas em Catanduva. Tendo conseguido diversos cargos no BANESPA.

Em 1966 casou-se com Diraci Angelica Camargo, morando em Catanduva. Teve três filhos sendo Alexandre De Camargo Henriques, André Luis e Ana Claudia.

Antonio aposentou-se em 1988 adquirindo um sitio na região. Neste meio tempo os filhos casaram e lhe deram netos sendo: João Guilherme, João Gabriel e Maria Beatriz.


Atualmente mora em São Paulo para estar mais em contato com os filhos e netos.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

PE unit 1 reflection

João Guiherme Henriques                                                                                           30/8/15

Reflection PE                                                                         Teacher: Mr. Pereira

1. Overview
I think I went well in Rugby but in the beginning I had difficulty with passing and I also was a bit afraid of steeling the flag but I got better at both. In the athletics I think I went very well in the running part but I had some difficulty with the jumps, the long jump was OK but I could not do the triple jump right. My behavior was good but sometimes a word or phrase in Portuguese would escape my mouth.
2. Goals
My goal for Rugby was to get the passing right, I got that goal. My strategy was to every time a pass was the best play I would prefer to pass.
My goal for athletics was to get the jump right and long I partly got it because I got the long jump and not the triple. My strategy was to look at my friends that did it well and try to do the same thing.