Thursday, September 24, 2015

Process Journal

This is a process journal of the video biography I did

English Process Journal
João Guilherme H

Tues. 8 Sept
In the first stage Mrs. Moananu showed us videos bios and we started discussing who we were going to do. We decided to do Mr Benzie.

Wed. 9 sept
In this class we did a plan and interviewed Ms. Spalla and it went perfectly well, we had a great interview and got lots of information. The whole group worked well in the filmings.

Thurs. 10 sept
We had a great day today we had a interview with our subject, Mr. Benzie. We got great footage for our doco. We had a little problem because it started to rain in the middle but we went inside and finished.

Frid. 11 sept
Today we put together all our footage in Lucas's computer but we took a long to decide that it would be in Lucas's computer so we only did this.

Mon 14 sept
Today we already had all the footage in the computer so we started to edit the film. Now we only need to edit the rest and we will finish.

Tues. 15 sept
Now we are on the final stage of our Biography. We did the final voice overs and finished the editing. Arthur and I were doing our production journals and giving ideas while Lucas and Mikel edited the biography.

Wed. 16 sept

We finished!!!!! We did the last edits today. There was enough time for us to even put some bloopers in the end. Our biography is very cool, I think my group did a great job and we accomplished what we planned to do.

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